'Time Out New York' y 'Time Out London', tanto las revistas en papel como las web, ha cambiado de manera temporal su nombre para adecuarse a esta crisis sanitaria y pasará a llamarse 'Time In New York' y 'Time In London'. Este movimiento responde al llamamiento de las autoridades a quedarse en casa.
Además, sus contenidos pasarán de ofrecer planes de ocio fuera del hogar para dedicarse a alternativas como los mejores restaurantes con servicio a domicilio, las 40 mejores pelis de Netflix o los últimos eventos cancelados por el coronavirus.
Ver esta publicación en InstagramHello New York,? ? With gatherings of over 500 people in NYC currently banned and Mayor De Blasio declaring a state of emergency, it's clear: Serious precautions need to be taken to halt the spread of coronavirus.? ? We've changed our logo temporarily to acknowledge this new reality, but rest assured: Time Out New York will continue to help you discover the best of the city, whether it's Time Out or Time In.? ? If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that New Yorkers can handle anything that’s thrown our way. As we enter this time of uncertainty, with a growing sense that the city as a whole is being put on pause, there’s no doubt in my mind that we’ll get through this together.? ? The city’s open-hearted, can-do spirit is what we celebrate every day here at Time Out New York, and it’s something we’ll continue to do over the next few unprecedented weeks. We know many independent, small businesses we love will be hurting during this time, so we’ll keep championing them as long as it’s responsible to do so. For those who will be spending more time than usual in their apartments, we’ll also be giving you some fun things to do at home, from guides to the most uplifting movies currently available over streaming services to the best takeout and delivery services in the city.? ? Most important of all, whether you’re spending your time out or time in this month, be sure to stay healthy and be safe.? ? Take care,? ? Will Gleason? ? Editor of Time Out New York Una publicación compartida de Time Out New York (@timeoutnewyork) el